Who we are

The Observatori DESCA (ESCER Observatory) is a human rights centre that concentrates its efforts on dismantling the devalued perception of Economic, Social, Cultural and Environmental Rights (ESCR) -right to housing, to work, to education, to health, to food, to a safe environment- in relation to other rights such as Civil and Political Rights and patrimonial rights. To this end, the observatory combines political advocacy with research, consultancy, and the organization of courses and conferences and strategic litigation. Thus, research and publications are promoted, seminars and trainings are organized and popular demands and struggles are accompanied. All this without losing sight of the importance of local and global networking and participation in social campaigns.

Transparency Web

Assembly of members

The following people and organisations are members of ESCER Observatory:

Members: Amnesty International (observers), Centre de Drets Humans Irídia, Comissions Obreres de Catalunya, Dones juristes, Grup Antropologia Jurídica de la Universitat de Barcelona, Institut de Drets Humans de Catalunya, Intersindical Alternativa de Catalunya; Martí Batllori, Gonzalo Boyé, Isabel Elbal, Raquel Rodríguez, Miguel Ruiz, Raúl Márquez and Gisela Torrents.

Board of Directors

President: Marco Aparicio, Professor de Dret Constitucional de la Universitat de Girona (UdG).

Secretary: Eva Fernández

Vocals: Natalia Caicedo, César Caparrós, João França, Guiomar Rovira and Irene Sabaté.


The technical team of the observatory is made up of the following people:

  • Irene Escorihuela Blasco

    Director. Degree in Political Science and Administration (UPF) and Degree in Law. Master in Law (UB).

  • Guillem-Domingo
    Guillem Domingo Utset

    Housing and City Officer. Degree in Environmental Sciences (UAB) and Master in City Management (UOC).

  • Ernest Gutiérrez
    Ernest Gutiérrez

    Degree in Political Science (UAB).

  • lucia-equipo
    Lucía Delgado

    Social activist for the Right to Housing. Coordinator of the project "Right to housing and energy: collective empowerment and social legal advice".

  • Diana Virgós Vivó

    Communications Officer. Degree in Journalism (UAB). Master in International Studies on Media, Power and Difference (UPF).

  • Ariadna Rigau

    Climate Justice and Environmental Rights Officer. Degree in Law (UB). Master in Environmental Law (URV).

  • Pedro López

    Economic management and administration Officer. Degree in Commercial Education and Administration (Central University of Venezuela).

  • Sofia Alorda Fernàndez

    Food sovereignty Officer. Degree in Culinary and Gastronomic Sciences (UB-UPC).

  • Miguel Ruiz

    Degree in Law (UPF). Master in Law (UPF) & Màster in Public International Public Law and Human Rights (Maastricht University).