Conference on "Constitutionalization of Social Rights: an international balance, new perspectives and proposals"

* Conference which aims to analyse and debate on 25 years of constituent processes in Africa and Latin America, expose experiences of constitutional guarantees of social rights. and open useful reflections for new proposals and perspectives for Catalonia and Europe.
Conference on "Constitutionalization of Social Rights: an international balance, new perspectives and proposals"
* Conference which aims to analyse and debate on 25 years of constituent processes in Africa and Latin America, expose experiences of constitutional guarantees of social rights. and open useful reflections for new proposals and perspectives for Catalonia and Europe.
Tuesday 20th November
5:00 p.m. From Colombia to Venezuela, the beginning of new constitutionalisms in Latin America
- Jimena Serra (Colombia), researcher at University of Rosario
- Hermann Escarrà (Venezuela), jurist, constituent deputy (Venezuela). By videoconferencing
- Paco Palacios, professor of Constitutional Law at University of Zaragoza (pending confirmation)
6:30 p.m. Social rights in the constituent processes of Bolivia and Ecuador: its deployments and its lessons
Presentation: Gabriela Serra, former deputy of the Parliament of Catalonia, member of the Advisory Council of the Civic Forum for the Constitutional Debate
- Albert Noguera, professor of Constitutional Law at the University of Valencia, former advisor in both processes (Bolivia and Ecuador)
- Irene Escorihuela, director of the DESC Observatory, former advisor of the National Assembly of Ecuador
Wednesday November 22
5:00 pm Processes in Africa: 25 years from Mandela's South Africa to Arab Spring's Tunisia
Presentation byTxell Bragulat, member of Sodepau, Director of the Arab and Mediterranean Fil Festival of Barcelona.
- Seif Soudani (Tunisia), journalist, director of communication and public relations of the Tunisian Truth and Dignity Commission.
- Danie Brand (South Africa), professor of Public Law, director of the Center for Human Rights of the Free State University. By videoconferencing
18:30 p.m. What paths, what initiatives and proposals to defend and implement social rights from a constituent perspective?
- Jule Goikoetxea (Basque Country), philosopher, professor and Director of the Master in Governance and Political Studies at the UPV-EHU
- Aniza García (Mexico-Madrid), is a law doctor and specialist in Human Rights from the Complutense University of Madrid.
- Christian Courtis is an officer of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights in New York. Professor of the Faculty of Law of the University of Buenos Aires, directed the Program of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights of the Lawyer's International Commission, in Geneva.
- Gemma Ubasart, PhD in Political Science, University of Girona. Former advisor in public policies of the Government of Ecuador.
- Gabriela Quezada, Ex-Assembler from Ecuador in Abroad region (Alianza PAIS)
- Quim Arrufat, professor of Political Science at the University of Barcelona, member of the DESC Observatory

Orfeó Gracienc, carrer d'Astúries, 84 (Gràcia, Barcelona)